If your business is online, you or members of your marketing team have likely spent hours strategizing about your content calendar. Your aim is to keep current clients engaged, attract new customers and strengthen your brand with targeted content.

You’ve probably hired a great writer to create your blog posts and new marketing content for your website. No matter how terrific the content, it’s simply not enough.

Promote Targeted Content
After publishing your latest brilliant blog post, peppered with carefully selected keywords, your team’s job isn’t completed. Now it’s time to tell the world – or more specifically, your target market.

This could be in the form of a focused email, a social media post on the appropriate social media platform for your target market. You have to let the right people know about the existence of new information that matters to them is on your site.

Have a Hook.
Your hook can be relevant subject matter to your target market and it needs to be conveyed early in your post or copy, in a direct subject line or catchy headline.

In general a subject should be 55 characters or less, and a headline is ideally short and memorable – but my marketing mentor always said a headline should be as long as it needs to be. Just be sure to tell your potential reader what’s in it for them right up front.

Make it Shareable.
Your subject should matter to readers – and the call-to-action should consist of an action you’d like your reader to take. For instance, to share your post with friends and family who would benefit from the targeted content.

You can create the most incredible content ever but if no one knows about it, or what to do with it, it’s not effective content. Share it, give readers a reason to read it and ask them to share it with others.

This simple formula can make good content effective content. If you think this 3-step plan can help others get more from their content, you already know what to do.

If you need someone to create effective content for you, please email me at