As Google goes, so does internet search… and now Google is expanding its reach to help the more than 200 million U.S. adults who own mobile devices to search for info, products and more.

On April 24, Google changed their search algorithm to rank mobile-friendly websites higher when the search is conducted on a mobile device. They announced the change in February and provided a tool to see whether a site is “mobile-friendly”.

The new search standards acknowledge what we all knew—mobile is gaining acceptance for many daily purposes; from scanning news sites, viewing videos, connecting to live-action game sites—now conducting research and financial transactions on your SmartPhone/virtual wallet.

Catering and connecting with your clients through mobile—because that’s how they will be connecting with you—may be an indication of future success, even if you have a brick and mortar-style business.

In addition to ensuring your website is easily navigated on a mobile phone, keep communications concise and to the point. In general keep your message short—and hire a professional copywriter who can pack a lot of meaning into a few words.