Email marketing

The holidays are coming. If you haven’t developed a campaign to take advantage of consumers’ impulse to buy – don’t panic. There’s still time to offer your clients special deals that are time-sensitive, which adds to their urgency to buy.

If you haven’t put together a campaign to take advantage of the holiday shopping frenzy, take these two steps:

1. Create a social media and email campaign to salvage 2015’s holiday season
2. Plan to have your 2016 holiday marketing campaign ready to go by September 1, 2016

Accelerate your holiday marketing campaign

How will you reach your clients quickly? It’s probably too late for an ad in your local newspapers, so you’ll need to limit your holiday marketing campaign platforms to those that are readily accessible – your email list and social media followers.

Then, identify your marketing and creative resources; establish a timeline that includes development, approvals and implementation.

If you have more than one product or service, identify which you one(s) you can promote within your timeline. Then, position your product or service to get the best possible result.

Give customers what they want
Your clients and prospective customers will have a lot of businesses vying for their attention. Stay top-of-mind by offering offers that your customers find valuable, like:

• Free delivery
• Buy more for a bigger discount
• After holiday sales
• Bundle products and services and save

If you don’t have a product that you can sell – create content aligned to your service or brand that you can send to your clients. If you make this information valuable enough, your clients may share it with their network.

Remarket to pick up stragglers

There are a lot of shoppers who don’t take the first offer they see. Make sure your holiday marketing campaign includes repackaged emails and redesigned messages to remind your indecisive customers of your holiday specials.
Update your home page to reflect your offers

This is something most businesses fail to do, and it’s important to get the best results. Create a message that is consistent with your offers or downloadable content and make sure it’s optimized — ‘nuff said.

Plan ahead in 2016

When you’re tabulation your results this year, imagine what planning ahead will do for you during the holiday season of 2016. Create your marketing calendar and make your holiday campaign a priority.

If you need a marketing professional who has expertise in creating holiday campaigns for budgets of all sizes, contact me. I’m happy to help, contact me at “